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Revision as of 22:56, 18 January 2016 by Derpta (talk | contribs) (A List of Well Known Seedbox Providers)
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What is a Seedbox?

So you just got on what.cd and your line at home is fucking trash and you live in a 3rd world shithole so you can't peer, everyone is telling you to get a seedbox and you don't know where to start.

Well, for starters, a seedbox is a server that is dedicated to seeding Linux ISOs and backups of data you already have.

Do you need a seedbox?

Contrary to popular belief, you probably do not need a seedbox to maintain ratio on What.CD. It's really not that hard once you start seeding freeleech torrents. Give it time. Many users get to Elite or even beyond without a seedbox.

However, if you want to climb the ranks at all the good private trackers and/or download a LOT of content, you need a seedbox.

Things to consider when buying a seedbox

There are a few simple things you should look for in a seedbox

  • Speed: You want to be able to upload as fast as you can (especially in an initial swarm) so that your ratio for Linux ISOs gets really high, most seedboxes will measure this in Gigabits/second.
  • Peering: Similarly you want to be able to connect to as many people as you can in order to maximize your upload potential, there is no real way to measure this.
  • Price: I mean come on, for most people spending ~$50 a month for a server to seed backups and Linux ISOs is just not feasible. most of the time you get what you pay for when it comes to seedboxes as it is with any server.
  • Storage: Storage is often linked in with price, you often pay more per month to have a higher hard drive quota.

A List of Well Known Seedbox Providers

Note, this omits a large amount of detail, actual statistics are further down

  • Feralhosting: Well known for being good value for money but bad support and known to go down quite often. Fast seedbox for a decent price
  • Whatbox: Another fan favorite, low storage capacity on their lower plans but very fast speeds, good support and high customization factor make up for it
  • Seedhost: Apparently pretty decent
  • Seedboxco: For masochists that hate having any form of control over their slot. shit support, shit speeds, shit space, shit price.
  • seedboxes.cc: Apparently stupidly fast but also quite expensive
  • swizards: Touted as being tuned for torrents their seedboxes are apparently very fast but are still outperformed by some dedis, good boxes

Shared seedboxes

VPS servers

Dedicated seedboxes

See also