We are still actively working on the spam issue.
Setting up a Server/Recommended Server Software
Revision as of 02:04, 27 October 2017 by Sneak (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Email: see Setting up a Server/Mail FTP: vsftpd, glftpd (nonfree), pureftpd, proftpd IRCd: inspircd, ngircd, kike BNC: znc XDCC: iroffer-dinoex XMPP: just buy a rope Proxy...")
Email: see Setting up a Server/Mail FTP: vsftpd, glftpd (nonfree), pureftpd, proftpd IRCd: inspircd, ngircd, kike BNC: znc XDCC: iroffer-dinoex XMPP: just buy a rope Proxy: tinyproxy, danted, haproxy Usenet Server: Leafnode, InterNetNews Web Cache/Reverse Proxy: varnish, squid, nginx Web: nginx, darkhttpd Configuration Management: cdist, ansible, salt Control Panel: Webmin, Cockpit Direct Connect Server (DCC): uhub, luadch BBS Server: Mystic BBS MUD: PennMUSH