We are still actively working on the spam issue.
Learning Vim
- http://vim-adventures.com/
- Use hjkl, don't be a babby duck
- Use vimtutor
- :h
- Keep a cheat sheet, write down new commands you want to learn, keep only several or so commands at a time until you've learned them
- If you're partial to books, try Practical Vim
Well documented base to start out with: https://github.com/timss/vimconf
[EasyMotion] Spatial navigation, saves a lot of keystrokes.
[Tagbar] Tag navigation, requires a ctags package.
[CtrlP] Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
[Minimap] Minimap.
[NERDTree] Tree explorer plugin.
[CtrlP] Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
Task Automation
[DelimitMate] Auto-completes surroundings and provides bindings for navigating through them.
[Vim-Surround] Manipulates (insert, change, delete) pairs of surroundings.
[NERDCommenter] Manipulates code comments according to the file type.
[AutoComplPop] Basic pop-up keyword-based completion.
Code Insertion/Completion
[UltiSnips] Customizable snippet engine for boilerplate code time-saving.
[YouCompleteMe] Advanced semantic code completion engine.
[Syntastic] Syntax checking.
[SudoEdit] Edit files using sudo or su or any other tool.
[Multiple Cursors] Sublime Text style multiple selections
[LightLine] Light and configurable statusline/tabline
[Vivify] Color scheme editor for Vim
External Links
The Vim Learning Curve is a Myth
Learn to speak vim – verbs, nouns, and modifiers!
Vim tips and tricks - StackOverflow
Write code faster: expert-level Vim (Railsberry 2012) - YouTube