We are still actively working on the spam issue.
/g/ is 4chan's technology discussion board.
Tox is a WIP secure instant messaging client. It's meant to be a Skype replacement, created directly in response to the Snowden NSA leaks.
MooGNU is a copyleft alternative to the popular NyanCat animation. It was created by /g/ in response to the pre-emptive removal of NyanCat from the Desktop Environment MATE due to concerns by the developers about NyanCat's copyright status.
LiveChan is an IRC-like 4chan clone with dynamic post updates and loads of other features. Programmed in node.js by emgram, LiveChan is still in development.
/g/ OS
/g/ OS is a Gentoo-based GNU/Linux distribution with the purpose of being relatively entry-level for new users, but teaching them how to be proficient in GNU/Linux.