We are still actively working on the spam issue.


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The Friendly Linux Thread (/g/flt/) is a regular general thread on 4chan's /g/ board. It is designed to aid in people wanting advice for the GNU/Linux system, as well as help complete newfags switch to/use the Linux system. Usually when no one contributes, it becomes a place to just goof off and shitpost, resulting in "MicroMemes" such as Jimmy Savile smoking a cigar, and overuse of the /pol/ term "cuck".

Thread posts

Note: In the "Title", please add /flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread

OP post

Welcome to /flt/, we are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try Linux, you can: 

1) Install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
2) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full Linux experience".
3) Dual-boot Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about Linux)
4) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with Linux (not recommended)

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources. 

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe wine can make up for it.

man <insert command here>
your friendly neighborhood search engine (Google, DuckDuckGo, whatever)
https://wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will literally work on various distros, including Debian)

Next OPs: Check https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php//flt/ for any updates

External links

Where you can find the newest /flt/