We are still actively working on the spam issue.
Archiving is an important concept. You want to archive everything you can for future generations. Archiving is an important concept that has been in existence since the time of the ancients.
4chan Archives
Currently, the only archiver servicing /g/ - Technology is RebeccaBlackTech, located at https://rbt.asia/g/.
Their records go back as far as about February 8th, 2010, with full images being available from mid-2012 and onward.
An archive of other 4chan boards is The Desu Archive
8chan Archives
8chan has a beta archiving system. To access, simply add /archive to the end of the board URL. An example: https://8ch.net/pol/archive/index.html
General Archives
- Sacred Texts - An archive of sacred and holy texts
- Project Gutenberg - Archiving Public-Domain books since 1980
- The Internet Archive - All Purpose Digital Archive, with the goal of becoming a digital Library of Alexandria
- The Wayback Machine - A service of the Internet Archive, archiving websites
- The Archive Team - A team of volunteers who task themselves with archiving soon-to-be-terminated web services
- Archive.is - A Static Web Archiver. Has multiple domains including archive.today, archive.li, archive.io and so-on.