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A chink shit recommended mic by /g/entoomen which is ~$20usd.
[hide]Usb Audio Cards
Youtube Channel
- If you want the BM-800 for a Youtube Channel and you don't plan to use it for live streaming, all you need is the standard BM-800 and any of the USB audio cards in this image, record your audio as separate source of your video, then post process the audio to remove the white noise produced by the USB cards and past it to your video, you will get great quality audio for your videos, no internal circuit mod needed.
- NOTE: From this point if YOU should do the noise removal mod otherwise you're missing semi-pro quality audio, shit is below $1 if you go to a electronics component shop or if you order the parts from China, and about $2-5 if you order online from local stores(mine was $0.11 USD total from a local shop in my thirdworld shithole) .
Live Streaming
- If you want to do live streaming because you feel like a gaming pro, then get the BM-800 and Behringer Xenyx 302USB and a XLR to XLR cable, you will get good live sound quality, it provides 15V of Phantom Power, live monitoring, control to the volume of your microphone, control to the volume of your earphones/headset, EQ controls (you can make funny voices for your 12 years old viewers), you can connect amplified speakers to it, and more shit, pretty good for gaming streamers, it has a medium noise floor(not bad), but you will be gaming, or with background music so no one will notice it due all other audio being played.
Podcast/Live Commentary
- If you want to do podcast or live commentaries you can go with the Behringer UM2, the pre-amp is supposed to be the same than the Xenyx 302USB (Xenyx Preamp) but since the UM2 provides 48V of phantom power and it's a dedicated microphone+instrument unit it has better sound quality and lower noise floor, also USB connection.
Quiet Voice/Poetry/ASMR
If you want to record music or really quiet voice(poetry, asmr, and the like), you should go with the Behringer UMC22 its nearly the same than the UM2 BUT is has MIDAS Preamp with a really low noise floor, that shit is good for such low price, you can plug the BM-800 and a guitar to it, also USB connection.
Remember kids, avoid Analog Mixers, you will spend WAY more money on them to make them sound as good as a dedicated audio interface like the UMC22, because shit is ANALOG not digital, so you need to buy a RCA to USB Audio Interface like the UCA 202 just to plug that shit to your PC, sure having like a gorillon knobs and holes looks nice but you don't need it, there is a reason shit like "Scarlet Solo" and "Scarlet Studio" are popular and shit like the Mackie Mix8 isn't.