We are still actively working on the spam issue.
List of Comfy Websites
4chan regulars often ask for recommendations for 'comfy' websites. Now that the consolidations are mostly over, smaller and niche sites are almost impossible to find and are actively suppressed by the ruling corps. For instance, Google will do its best to bury the InstallGentoo Wiki and Neocities in it's search results, as well as Encyclopedia Dramatica, but that's probably fair.
[hide]S-tier Websites
- https://wiby.me/ - Search engine
- https://neocities.org/ - Spiritual successor to Geocities.
List of Other Sites
- https://basedsites.neocities.org/ - A very extensive list of /g/'s good sites, many copies existed in the past including https://goodsites.tech.
- https://peelopaalu.neocities.org
- https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/ - The Online Books Page
- https://annas-archive.org/ - Shadow libraries
- https://openlibrary.org/ - InternetArchive's library
- https://slashdot.org/ - one of the oldest mainstream websites on the interwebs.
- https://news.ycombinator.com/ - news aggregator for programming, hacking and technology related topics.
- https://torrentfreak.com/ - a really good news website for torrent and pirating related nonsense.
Personal Writings and Reviews
- https://botany4u.neocities.org/
- https://melonking.net/
- https://cabbagesorter.neocities.org/
- https://valleanenowe.neocities.org/ruminations/2022/perspective
- https://www.cozynet.org/ - Cozy blog
- https://100r.co/site/home.html - People living and working on a boat
- https://microship.com/datawake/ - More people living and working on a boat
- https://tilde.wiki/wiki/Known_tildes - Wiki of the Tildeverse
- https://rome.ro (yes, John Romero of Daikatana fame)
- https://www.neetventures.com/
- https://www.pirate-queen.net
- https://www.wolfgangfaust.com - Writing
- https://macwright.com - Writing
- https://webwizard.ichi.city/
Special Interests
- https://www.wilderness-survival.net
- https://sizeof.cat - Wide in scope from tech to literature, heavy on cyberpunk and a self written OS
- https://alpha.cafe/ - Dedicated to everything about Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (YKK), possibly the most comfy manga in existence
- http://mysanctuary.lagoonaris.de/ - German anime site with nice CSS
- https://users.glitchwrks.com/~glitch/vintage.html - Old computers
- https://phreaknet.org - Old tech
- http://www.typewritten.org/Media/ - Various desktop environments (DE)
- https://bellard.org - Lots of clever software
- https://simplifier.neocities.org - High tech results from low tech parts
- https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws
- https://yarchive.net - Old Usenet News postings
- https://sxmo.org
- https://www.gbadev.org/ - Started as a website aiming to share development information about the then unreleased GBA system
- https://www.chishm.com/SendSave/index.html
- https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/
- https://www.complete.org
- http://ibmfiles.com/ - Info for various ibm systems
- https://guidesmiths.github.io/cybersecurity-handbook/ - A book on cyber security
- https://www.alisaesage.com - More security and reverse engineering
- https://digdeeper.club/ - Analysis
- https://start.me/p/rx6Qj8/nixintel-s-osint-resource-list - very extensive OSINT links
- https://www.raylib.com/ - "raylib is a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming."
- https://landlordtech.com/ - pet management software for properties
Cooking websites
- https://based.cooking - bloat free cooking recipe website by famous /g/celeb Luke Smith
Comfy Pictureboards
- https://sizeof.cat/links/#people (this is a trove of interesting people and hobbies)
- https://littr.me
- https://xandra.cc/safonts/join
- https://eldritchdata.neocities.org
- https://cohost.org
- https://doaj.org
- https://www.lingscars.com/ - Car leasing with unmatched attitude, and according to one anon, "Its some British site and god the thing has so much soul that its gotta be illegal. Its the one with a missile."
From second the thread
- https://theforest.link/ - a forest of links
- https://tinfoil-hat.net/categories/webring.html
- https://github.com/ccd0/imageboards.json - A list of image/textboards spanning multiple languages. It conveniently links to more lists should it prove insufficient.
- https://zombo.com - You can do anything at ZOMBO.com. The only limit is yourself.
- https://gunbai-militaryhistory.blogspot.com/ - One of the best Western blogs on premodern Japanese military arms and armor.
- https://archive.org/ - The de facto archive of web content.
- https://archive.4plebs.org/_/articles/credits/ - An archive of 4chan content primarily focused on /pol/ that itself links to more 4chan archives.
- https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/malacostraca/eumalacostraca/royslist/ - Roy Caldwell's list of stomatopods (mantis shrimp) suitable for aquarium life.
- http://palaeos.com/ - An excellent site exploring the phylogeny and evolution of the various lifeforms on Earth. The site has been stuck in a reconstruction phase for several years now and has many broken links, though what remains is invaluable.
- https://virtualcustoms.net/ - A forum focused on personalizing one's user experience on their computer.
- https://www.steamgifts.com/, https://www.indiegala.com/ - Sites where one can legally obtain Steam games for free. I've won several games myself.
- https://patriots.win/ - Bunker for TD refugees. Used to be called thedonald.win
- https://alternativeto.net/ - An excellent source of software recommendations/alternatives. You can even submit entries yourself.
- https://ps2.fisu.pw/ - A tracker for various statistics concerning the Planetside 2 game developed by SOE and DG.
- https://biomediaproject.com - If you're a fan of the Lego Bionicle toyline and associated multimedia then this fansite is for you.
- https://consolevariations.com/ - With so many console variations to choose from it is only natural a repository to track them exists.
- https://www.arduino.cc/ - All bout the Arduino SBC family
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/ - ESP32 information
- https://incels.is/, https://wizchan.org/ - Messageboards for those without an SO
- https://www.akiba-online.com/ - a neo-otaku board
- https://nobulart.com/, http://entityart.co.uk/ - Art, between /pol/ and /x/
- https://theoldnet.com/ - Browse websites like they were in 1994 to 2010. It fetches several pages from the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine in order to make them less broken. Several more known ones have been manually fixed by contributors.
- https://retro.directory/ - Map of retro tech related stuff. Show where you can find shops, museums, events, repair shops, etc.
- https://wiby.me/ - Old and simple webpages.
- http://frogfind.com/ - Search engine for old computers. It strips the javascript/css and all that.
- https://dezoomify.ophir.dev/ - Download zoomable images from several websites like Google Arts
- http://rx.linkfanel.net/ - Map of amateur radios through the world. You can listen to radio live like you were there, so not digital radio.
- https://livingatlas.arcgis.com - Like Google Maps, but you can look and compare maps across years.
- http://dotshare.it/ - Share and download dotfiles.
- http://textfiles.com/ - Loads of .txt files about everything you can imagine.
- https://app.justsketch.me/ - Posing model for artists.
- https://www.commandlinefu.com - Command line commands.
- https://cheat.sh/ - Cheat sheet that can be used in terminal using curl or you download it and run it locally. Has entire tutorials for programming too.
- https://gbatemp.net/ - Independent game community
- https://www.doomworld.com/ - Anything Doom related
From the third thread
From https://pastebin.com/BSeztxhF:
- https://0x0.st/ - file hosting from the command line
- https://arxiv.org/ - scholarly archive for paper on mathematics, physics, comp sci, etc.
- https://builtwith.com/ - find out what tech was used to build a given website
- https://camelcamelcamel.com/ - amazon price tracker
- https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ - temp file upload service
- https://changes.it/ - free url redirection
- https://cheat.sh/ - terminal based cheat sheets ($ curl cheat.sh/)
- http://checkmyip.torrentprivacy.com/ - check the ip your isp sees when torrenting
- https://www.commandlinefu.com/ - useful user-submitted terminal commands
- https://www.courtlistener.com/ - search legal opinions
- https://pacer.uscourts.gov/ - public access to court electronic records
- https://filterlists.com/ - subscription lists for ublock, abp, etc.
- https://www.flightradar24.com/ - real-time flight tracking
- https://faxzero.com/ - free internet faxing
- https://www.onlineocr.net/ - extract text from image or convert pdf to text for free
- https://openproxy.space/list - free proxy lists
- https://www.exploit-db.com/google-hacking-database - commonly used google dorks
- https://www.guerrillamail.com/ - temp email provider
- https://www.findagrave.com/ - cemetery records
- https://archive.org/ - internet archive
- http://exif.regex.info/down.html - metadata viwer
- https://libgen.is/ - library genesis, pirated ebooks
- ay-safe-online/managing-your-privacy/manage-privacy-settings/ - suggestions for privacy settings on commonly used sites
- https://www.manualslib.com/ - manuals library, find manuals online
- https://www.fcc.gov/general/internet-based-trs-providers - telephone relay providers
- https://www.infobel.com/ - search for companies/people anywhere in the world
- https://fast.com/ - simple speed test
- https://invoicy.io/invoice-generator - free invoice generator
- https://iplogger.org/ - url shorterner with ip logger/analytics
- https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ - ship tracking
- https://onlinesmsbox.com/ - sms box
- https://www.chatcrypt.com/ - e2ee cloud group chat
- https://search.marginalia.nu/ - search engine for obscure/oldschool websites
- https://privnote.com/ - self-destructing pastebin
- https://clustrmaps.com/ - public records search
- https://www.publicrecordsnow.com/ - public records search
- https://www.random.org/ - random number generator service + more
- https://rate.sx/ - exchange rate ($ curl rate.sx/)
- https://search.google.com/search-console/remove-outdated-content - remove content from google
- https://www.bing.com/webmaster/tools/content-removal - remove content from bing
- https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN4530.html - remove content from yahoo
- https://moo.net/numbers.html - telephone test numbers
- https://usa.liveuamap.com/ - live crime map
- https://www.officialusa.com/ - directory of federal, state and local gov websites
- https://www.spinxo.com/username-check - username availability check
- https://vocaroo.com/ - online audio recording/hosting
- https://en.webhex.net/ - online hex viewer
- https://webm.red/ - webm sharing/hosting/archive
- https://archive.is/ - archive a website. It is also useful to "wash" the contents of a site to remove excessive ads. Also if you have to check a site but sustpect it may contain malware, you can use this as a proxy. Important: if you want to use these links in 4chan, be aware that the URL that comes back is usually (something).ph and that triggers the spam detector. Replace .ph with .is manually, and the link is fine.
- https://wiby.me/ - search engine for classic websites
- https://www.whatsmyip.org/more-info-about-you/ - ip lookup/info
- https://whopostedwhat.com/ - facebook post search
- https://wigle.net/ - wifi mapping
- https://podcastnotes.org/ - podcast summaries in text format
- https://awesomelists.top - the awesome lists are pretty cool. turned into an entire subculture there's an "awesome list" for pretty much anything technical now. here's a search engine website for them, idk if its updated anymore though
- https://docs.rsshub.app/en/ - provides RSS feeds for a lot of websites that dont offer them natively:
- https://useful-forks.github.io - helps you find real forks of a github repo by filtering and sorting by stars (why github doesn't provide this by default is beyond me)
- https://haveibeenpwned.com/ - its a database of leaks, type your email in the prompt and it will tell you if your password is secure
- https://goblin.tools: is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help retards be less retarded
- https://basedsites.neocities.org - a list like this
- http://www.oldversion.com - Old binaries
- https://www.irasutoya.com/ - Japanese clip art done by one guy. Since it's all by one person, the art style is consistent. Totally free to use, I think he only asks payment if you use more than 20 images, which is more than enough for most projects.
- zoom.earth - weather radar
- https://sites.lainx.org/ - a list like this
From fourth the thread
- https://brisray.com/web/webring-list.htm - The #1 Webring list on the internet:
- https://foreverliketh.is/blog/exploring-the-personal-web/ - Continuously updated list of collectives (by OP in that thread)
- https://indieweb.org/discovery - IndieWeb Wiki - discovery article:
- https://sizeof.cat/post/lainring/ - Lainring, a decentralized webring created by the users of Lainchan
- https://john.citrons.xyz/ - johnvertisements, ads with souls
- https://manuelmoreale.com/i-ll-read-it - I’ll Read It, a project promising to read what you write
- https://risingthumb.xyz/Writing/Blog/2023/08/15/0/ - Word As Will
- https://www.cozynet.org/blogs/20221021_blog.html - New age media and the great griftening
- https://starbreaker.org/blog/cathedrals-on-quicksand/index.html - Cathedrals on Quicksand
- https://brisray.com/will/ - Will
- https://suragu.net/blog/20220913 - The NPC Factory
- https://notebook.wesleyac.com/how-websites-die/ - How Websites Die
- https://coenin.co.uk - a personal blog
From the fifth thread
- https://www.coolmathgames.com/ - What it says on the tin
- https://icum.to - Perspnal web page, 90s style
- http://www.blessedquietness.com/journal/balaam.htm - A Journal for Bible believers- From Texas to the World - Online since 1995
- https://spartacus-educational.com/ - In September, 1997, Spartacus Educational founder and managing director John Simkin became the first educational publisher in Britain to establish a website that was willing to provide teachers and students with free educational materials.
- https://duckduckgo.com/
- https://lukesmith.xyz
- http://www.rexresearch.com/ - Archive of unusual "alternative" science and patents regarding various technologies.
- https://echobubble.xyz/ - The ECHOBUBBLE is a shameless nod to various nipponic messageboard spaces of yesteryear.
- https://realultimatepower.net/ - Ninja stuff
- http://lhohq.info/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20170405033327/https://ffffound.com/
- https://same.energy/ - Visual search engine
- https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
- https://web.aceattorneyonline.com
- https://www.playphrase.me
- https://pointerpointer.com - points to your pointer
- https://japanesechess.org/shogi2014/
- https://lishogi.org/6oQHTVs3
- https://search.marginalia.nu
- https://wiby.me/surprise/
- https://tard.zone
- https://intr.cx
- https://sor.neocities.org
- https://sizeof.cat
- https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/List_of_Comfy_Websites - that's us!
- https://draw.io - draw vector graphics in browser
- https://boxy-svg.com/- draw SVG vector graphics in browser
- https://tinfoil-hat.net
- https://mega.nz/folder/kj5hWI6J#0cyw0-ZdvZKOJW3fPI6RfQ - Epic collection of infographics:
Making your Own Comfy Website
Be the change you want to see.
- https://www.smartgb.com/ - Add a free comment box to your static website, such as on Neocities
- https://landchad.net/ - It has many guides for hosting your stuff, including a website.
- https://discuss.32bit.cafe/wiki/resources - Resources List for the Personal Web