Welcome to InstallGentoo Wiki,
the free wiki for various terrible imageboards.
We've written 730 articles already!
Jan 27
Wiki has been updated and user registration has been re-enabled!
⚠️WARNING ⚠️ Real humans don't change their User page. If you change your User page, then sorry, you're not human anymore. You freak.
If you want to contribute, take a quick look at the guide to editing this wiki
If you find that a page on this wiki is lacking, and you know something, then feel free to add to it.
All pages - All categories
Note: Any user can edit these items by clicking on 'modify'. Feel free to add your article to the 'Other Topics' list.
Use this list to keep track of anything that needs the community's attention. If you finish something on this list, feel free to remove it.
If you're requesting new content, check the When to make an article section of the wiki guide to make sure your request conforms to the community policy. Don't ask for "more" information on software or an OS: request content as specifically as possible and contextualize your request with why it belongs on our, instead of their, wiki.
- General wiki tasks:
- Help with the Spam Issue
- Fix any Broken Redirects
- Fix Double Redirects (There should be no articles in there now)
- Flesh out a Stub
- Make links to and from the Loney Pages
- Give categories to the Uncategorized Pages (Only the "Sandbox" and "Main Page" page left, main page only editable by Admins, sandbox shouldnt be edited why is it in there?)
- Create a wanted page (please only do so if you have substantial information for that potential page. Try not to make a stub)
- Fix redirects to /csg/ and other related articles, fix move, delete pages, and rename articles that contain "Chinese" to "Chink" and "stuff" to "Shit" (and extend):
- Show that 8chan (and /tech/) became 8kun (and show other /tech/s such as Julay.World)
- Update Gaming_on_GNU/Linux_platforms
- Add a section on Valve's Proton compatibility layer
- Add guide on GNU/Linux game piracy and link to the /t/ resources
- Update PCI_passthrough
- Update Games
- Fix main RSS page not showing up in search and only being able to access via redirect Rss
- Update Electronic cigarettes to have information newer than 2014
- Add decentralized VPNS and comparisons between centralized and decentralized VPNs in VPNs
- Webcams + how to set them up on Linux
- Chairs/seating/Furniture
- Recommended Web Hosting (free/paid)
- Partitions
Change "Recommended Software" link on Main Page to a real page, rather than the disambiguation page. (need admins)
- Add Sci-Fi Radio Programs to Media Pages
- Alternate Linux kernels and patches article:
- More open hardware, like the GTA04.
How to install Libreboot. Completed, would like input/additions from other users.
- Flesh out Malware removal
- Update List of recommended Windows software and List of recommended GNU/Linux software because they're both old as fuck and important/integral guides to new and old users alike
- Help out the Communication page
- Computer science needs to be more about computer science in general and less about specific algorithms/data types.
- Undo the vandalism by Esio
- Provide simple configuration for ALSA
- Make links to the following pages that are otherwise invisible or suggest them to be deleted:
- Firefox is in desperate need of updating after Mozilla killed their support for addons.
- Merge GNU Social and Pleroma
- Maybe relate Harmful software and Uriel to Software minimalism
- Document the evils of Oracle
- Linux Directory Structure (and compare to Windows directories)
- Walkthrough of gnu coreutils for the linux newbies
- Potentially make a single youtube eceleb page, this is to avoid making a page per eceleb.
- Virtual Reality
- Noteworthy people in tech. List people who are important, but not important enough for their own page.
- Gauge reader interest. Maybe make a thread on /g/. What do people want?
- Maybe a page for common programming problems/exercises/memes. Shit like fizz buzz, etc.
- Monitors is in need of updating.
- Delete Xnview file
- Filesharing page for torrents, soulseek, DC+, xdcc, ed2k, etc.
For more information...
- IRC: irc.installgentoo.com
- Channels: #wiki #installgentoo